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West Yellowstone '07
  This year Mark brough his radio controlled helicopter which came out whenever things got slow.

Taking advantage of the shade under Steve's 182 on a warm afternoon.  From the left are Mark, Steve, Brad and Steve's dad.

  Somebody emailed to complain that they expected West Yellowstone's Pilots' Campground to have a building with a shower, after reading my
description of it on this site.   I stand by my description of  a "hot outdoor shower" and decided I'd better post a picture of it.  The keen observer may
notice that this is actually an old pop-top camper that has been fitted with walls, a shower stall and a propane water heater.  The camper used to be
a real camper when I first started flying here in 1990.  If you got here first, you were welcome to use it in lieu of setting up a tent.  When the camper's
fabric deteriorated, it was converted into this beautiful hot shower with donations from campground users and the Montana Aeronatics Division.